Hydraulic Top Link Cylinders

Part six of the information series on hydraulic systems. Today's topic is hydraulic top links.

Considering a Hydaulic Top Link Cylinder for your 3-point hitch system? You’re not alone. Hydraulic top links have quickly become the go-to accessory for farmers, landscapers, turf maintenance teams, and snow removal crews alike, and it’s not difficult to see why. Hydraulic top links not only make it easy to attach your implement, but they also make it possible to adjust the implement directly from the operator’s seat. And more time in the operator’s seat means greater productivity for you.

When choosing a hydraulic top link cylinder, first determine the category of top link you require. That simply means determining your tractor’s horsepower (see list below); or, if you’ve already been using a mechanical top link, simply choose the same category for your hydraulic top link.

1) Tractor HP less than 20 = Category 0 top link 

2) Tractor HP 20 to 55 = Category 1 top link

3) Tractor HP 45 to 95 = Category 2 top link

4) Tractor HP greater than 95 = Category 3 top link
 Hydraulic Top Link

Next, choose a hydraulic top link with a minimum length, maximum length, and stroke measurements that are as close as possible to those of your mechanical top link.  Doing so is the best way to achieve the range of motion you require for your application.

Lastly, we recommend choosing a top link cylinder with a double-piloted check valve.  Check valves are an added safety feature that keep the cylinder locked in position and prevent drift. 


AgristoreUSA currently stocks both Category 1 and Category 2 hydraulic top link cylinders with standard double-piloted check valves. We also offer “nesting” hydraulic hose kits, designed specifically for 3-point hitch applications with hydraulic top links. Check out our online catalog for more details.

Have questions about hydraulic top links or still can’t find the one you need? We want to hear from you.

Contact us today at 317-329-5080 with your request.

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